The Scariest Mommy Moment- Bathroom Chronicles

I will never forget January 2013, the start of a new year, an opportunity to start again. But there I was 2 children in, my youngest only 2 months old and I was paralyzed in the bathroom with fear that it was “all too much”.

Yep it was then when I realized this thing called motherhood was not what I saw my mother, grand-mother or aunt do. They always looked well pull together, dinner done, work done and relationship appeared in tac.

Well, at that moment, I was beyond exhausted, nursing, overwhelmed and completely did not recognize myself and yet there were two humans outside the door- a 3 years old and 1- just born who needed me ALL THE TIME.

It was at that moment I stood in my bathroom not wanting to come back out, just needing a moment. Just a moment to regroup, breathe and unplugged from serving everyone but myself. It was fear that had me there but damn it, I took the moment, 15 minutes to be exact to just stay in the bathroom doing nothing and most importantly taking a quick but necessary minute to recharge to be better for myself.

It was then that I quickly understood it was up to me to take my moment, whether in the bathroom, bedroom, car, or Aruba but I had to have un-interrupted moments of peace to be better at this thing call motherhood!

Calling all Moms to take their moments each day. This week take 15 – 30 minutes to hide away from everyone. I don’t care it you go to the bathroom or closet or book your monthly staycation with us, you deserve every minute of that moment. I dare you to “do you”!

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